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How Amazon’s Kindle Select Borrowing Program Cheats Authors and How They Should Fix It

How Amazon’s Kindle Select Borrowing Program Cheats Authors and How They Should Fix It

Recently, Amazon changed how it computes author payments for Kindle Select borrows. Now a reader has to read an author’s whole book in order for them to get paid their promised royalty. If a person reads less, the author only gets paid a percentage of the royalty. That’s true of no other product. (E.g. If you rent a movie from Amazon and then don’t watch it, they still charge you the full price.) But with this new model, Amazon gets to charge readers for its subscription service whether or not the service is truly used, while simultaneously avoiding paying authors for the products the service provides.

It’s a Trap! (How Kindle Unlimited is Hurting Authors…While Kindle Select Prevents Them From Leaving)

It’s a Trap! (How Kindle Unlimited is Hurting Authors…While Kindle Select Prevents Them From Leaving)

When Amazon first rolled out its author payment system for Kindle Unlimited, I was ecstatic. But I’ve been tracking all my sales data ever since 2012 and ever since this roll out, I’ve noticed a definite trend. KU sales are going up (to the point where they outnumber my “real” sales by a factor of six) whereas Amazon’s payments for borrows are going down . . . way down.

Robin Prezi

I was flattered to find that someone (Kendyll Sumler) has done a prezi of Robin: Lady of Legend. A prezi is a really cool PowerPoint-like presentation on a subject. The prezi of Robin can be viewed here: Presentation.

Paperback Edition Published!

Paperback Edition Published!

Save $2 on the paperback version of Robin: Lady of Legend. Find it on Amazon here. At long last, Robin: Lady of Legend is out in paperback! I'm really excited, and I know a lot of you are, too. There is just something so satisfying about holding a physical book in...

Started Sequel!

For those of you who have written to me beseeching news of a sequel, I have something good to tell you. I just finished writing the first chapter! To be frank, I had no intention of penning a sequel when I created Robin: Lady of Legend. Actually, I intended for it to...