#1 Amazon Best Seller!
Wahoo! Robin: Lady of Legend reached #1 on Amazon's Best Seller charts today!
Robin Makes It to the Semi-Finals!
Thank you to everyone who posted a review of my book, Robin: Lady of Legend! It has successfully made it to the Semi-Finals of Amazon's Breakthrough Novel Award. That means it beat out 99% of the competition (in other words, it was in the top 1% of all entries). The...
CreateSpace ISBNs — An Explanation
When you’re publishing a book through CreateSpace, it gives you four ISBN options:
What follows is an explanation of those options, plus their pros and cons.
Where to Buy ISBNs and Where Not to Buy Them
There is only one place to buy ISBNs in the United States: Bowker (The United States ISBN Agency). In the UK, it is Nielsen (Nielsen UK ISBN Agency). Each country has exactly one agency allowed to assign ISBNs. Why then do some publishers/printers/people claim they...
Robin: Lady of Legend – Chapter 1: An Unexpected Gift
ROBIN DASHED through the sweltering fields towards the house, her skirts hiked up to her knees so she could run faster. Behind her someone gave a surprised shout, but she ignored the hail and raced on, her feet churning the sun-baked dirt into dust […]
How To Start a Business (Sole Proprietorship)
So you want to start a business. The question on your mind now is: how? Step 1: See if a business license is required in your county. Not all counties require business licenses, but most of them do. Some counties don't require licenses, but individual cities...

Convert All Underlines to Italics in Under 1 Minute (and Vice-Versa)
The Problem: Readers prefer accentuated words to be in italics, but editors/publishers prefer them to be underlined.
The Question: How do I quickly convert all the underlined words in my document to italics (or vice-versa)?
The Solution

My novel, Robin: Lady of Legend, has finally been published. Whooohooo! After sitting in my head for a decade and living in my head for the last year and a half, it is finally out! No going back, this is it, my first book has just been released into the ether of the...

One More Day!
Only one more day until my novel, Robin: Lady of Legend is released! At this point, exhaustion is overwhelming my excitement, so you know how tired I must be because I'm very, very excited! Learn more about the book here or visit the book's website for some extra...

3rd Edition of A Stepmother’s Story Released!
The 3rd Edition of A Stepmother's Story: The TRUE Tale of Cinderella has just been released to Amazon Kindle and Barnes & Noble NOOK. Buy it now for only $0.99! Like this post? Please share!